If you or the Judge are considering giving the Tenants more time to pay before requesting the final eviction, have the tenant sign a stipulation in front of the Judge and file it immediately with the court. This is an agreement by the tenant to pay specific amounts on specific dates. Then if the tenant violates this agreement file a motion for the Judge's final judgment and complete the eviction.
After the eviction
If you
do not wish to go to too much trouble and do not mind waiting for your money
then you may simply docket judgment with the clerk of the Superior court in
If you
are unwilling to wait several years or do not believe you debtor will ever be in
a position to make a major purchase you will have to take a more proactive
approach. Assuming you have information about the judgment debtor’s assets or
employment you may levy on them. To levy on the debtors wages or property you
must first obtain a writ of execution from the court.
The writ of Execution authorizes the court officer or the sheriff’s
officer to execute on the debtors property.